
The Surgical Institute of Monroe is a cutting-edge ambulatory surgery center located in Monroe, Michigan. We welcome you and look forward to providing you with the best in patient care.


Excellence in Care

Our multidisciplinary team includes some of the most highly trained and experienced surgeons in Michigan. Our team of surgeons, anesthesiologists, registered nurses, and clinical support staff offer state-of-the-art medical care.

Excellence in Care

Quality & Caring

The Surgical Institute of Monroe brings together state-of-the-art facilities with comfort and care. We are committed to making your visit as pleasant as possible.


We’re here to help

Our website offers valuable information to help you prepare for your day of surgery. Please call us if we can help in any way—we are here to help!

We’re here to help
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Welcome to the Surgical Institute of Monroe

Welcome to the Surgical Institute of Monroe

The Surgical Institute of Monroe provides superior quality,
efficient, ambulatory surgical services in a caring and compassionate environment. Your physicians are supported by a highly skilled and warm team of registered nurses and other health care professionals, who are all committed to making your visit as comfortable as possible. Our surgery center is located in Monroe, Michigan and is equipped with state-of-the-art operating rooms

Surgery Preparation

The Surgical Institute of Monroe provides superior quality, efficient, ambulatory surgical services in a caring and compassionate environment.

You will receive a phone call from a nurse prior to your surgery. You may receive more than one call, but we make every effort to try and minimize any inconvenience.

If your physician requires you to have lab tests, EKG and/or x-rays before surgery, we encourage you to have the tests completed within one week of your surgery date. The SIM reception desk is available for service between the hours of 7:30am and 3:30pm, Monday through Thursday. The office is closed on weekends, holidays & most Fridays.

  1. Depending on your medical history, some tests may need to be done before surgery. You will be notified ahead of time by a member of your health care team if any additional tests are required.
  2. If you take regular medications, ask your health care provider if you should take them before surgery. If instructed to, take the medications with a small sip of water.
  3. A staff member will call you before your surgery with instructions and arrival time. Arrival time is when you are expected at the SIM, not the start time of your surgery.
  4. Arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home after surgery and stay with you afterward, as needed. This person should also be prepared to stay at the facility during your surgery.
  5. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight before your surgery, unless directed otherwise. This includes water, mints and gum. You can brush your teeth or rinse your mouth, but don’t swallow any water. If you eat or drink after midnight, your surgery may be cancelled.
  6. If you smoke or use other tobacco products, quit or cut down a few weeks before surgery. Your health care provider may give you specific instructions.
  7. Follow any other instructions you are given.
  8. To cancel your surgery, we ask that you notify us at least 24 hours in advance.
  1. Please check in at the front desk with your photo ID and insurance card. They will be placed in your medical record.
  2. Family or friends that accompany you will be asked to sign in at the front desk.
  3. You will be asked to change into a gown. Your nurse will check your temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure and will verify your health history given to the nurse over the phone. You will be asked to sign consent forms. Pre-operative medications may be given at this time.
  4. If your physician has ordered tests that have not already been completed, they will be performed, provided that test is available at the surgery center.
  5. Your anesthesiologist will review your medical history and your test results (if applicable) and meet with you.
  6. You may choose to have your family/friend join you upon completion of the nursing assessment.
  7. Parents will remain with their children until the time of surgery.
  8. When it is time for surgery, you will be taken to the operating room by a surgical nurse and by an anesthesia care provider.
  9. After surgery, you will return to your cubicle. The nurses will monitor your recovery and care for you until your condition allows for your family/friend to join you.
  10. While you are at SIM, your family/friend is expected to remain in the building.

Dedicated Team

Our physician and staff team represent the most highly trained and experienced medical professionals. Our team is committed to excellence in patient care and provides you with personalized, individual care that focuses on a high level of customer service. Our multidisciplinary team includes surgeons, anesthesiologists, registered nurses, operating room technicians, and clinical support staff. Our team at the Surgical Institute of Monroe welcomes you!

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

The Surgical Institute of Monroe offers a positive, supportive, and professional working environment for its team of employees. We are committed to providing compassionate and efficient care in a state-of-the-art surgical environment. Our dedicated team members bring a combination of outstanding training, significant clinical experience, energy, and integrity.

If you possess these qualities and are passionate about excellence in patient care, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us for additional information.

Our Services

The Surgical Institute of Monroe brings together outstanding clinicians from an array of specialties. Our surgeons have been trained at some of the nation’s leading schools and hospitals.  Specialties offered at The Surgical Institute of Monroe include:



Orthopedic surgeons work with acute, chronic, traumatic, and recurrent injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

General Surgery

General Surgery

The Surgical Institute of Monroe has a team of experienced surgeons who specialize in general surgical procedures, including but limited to: hernias, gall bladder removal, excisions, and other ambulatory procedures.



Otolaryngologists, referred to as Ear, Nose, and Throat or ENTs, monitor treatment of the ear, throat, nose, and upper respiratory tract. The ENT physicians at The Surgical Institute of Monroe perform functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), sinuplasty,  tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy 



 Also known as a GI specialist, Gastroenterologists are trained to perform procedures such as colonoscopies and upper GI endoscopies. These procedures allow our physicians to visualize the upper and lower part of the gastrointestinal tract to check for unusual ulcers, tumors, polyp and blood vessels.



Gynecologists perform surgeries involving the female reproductive system and women’s wellness issues.



Specialists in urology focus on the urinary tracts of males and females, and on the reproductive system of males. The organs covered by urology include the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, and the male reproductive organs (testes, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate and penis). 



Podiatry is the medical and surgical management of foot and ankle disorders. Our doctors can provide treatment for everything from minor ailments to reconstructive surgery.